Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Dalam Mencapai Competitive Advantage Pada Supply Chain Management
Abstrak: Penerapan sistem informasi (SI) dan teknologi informasi (TI) dalam supply chain management (SCM) telah menciptakan sebuah sistem yang efektif mulai dari supplier hingga customer. Meskipun tidak seluruhnya supply chain mampu memenuhi setiap permintaan yang ada, informasi antara pihak-pihak sebagai mitra dalam supply chain hanya dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya dalam proses integrasi diantara mereka. Proses integrasi dapat diartikan sebagai hubungan kolaboratif antara supplier dan customer, dengan pengembangan produk, sistem umum dan sharing informasi. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis sejauhmana supply chain management mampu menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih efektif dalam memberikan keuntungan dari sisi margin perusahaan. Pelaksanaan dari SCM juga harus memperhatikan kualitas dari segi layanan kepada pelanggan. Dalam aplikasi business to business perkembangan para pelanggan dikembangkan dengan melakukan otomatisasi atau memperbaiki sistem atau cara mereka melakukan bisnis dengan para pemasok. Keunggulan kompetitif dapat terwujud dengan memberi perhatian pada aktifitas utama dan pendukung supply chain management yang menambahkan nilai bagi produk dan jasa perusahaan di mana sistem informasi paling baik diterapkan.Kata kunci: Competitive Advantage, Efektivitas, Supply Chain Management
Abstract: The application of information systems and information technology in supply chain management (SCM) has created an effective system ranging from suppliers to customers. While not all supply chains are capable of meeting every demand, information between the parties as partners in the supply chain can only be fully utilized in the integration process between them. The integration process can be interpreted as a collaborative relationship between suppliers and customers, with product development, general systems and information sharing. Efforts to make supply chain management more effective will be able to benefit from the margin side of the company. The implementation of SCM should also pay attention to quality in terms of service to customers. In business to business applications the development of customers is developed by automating or improving systems or the way they do business with suppliers. Competitive advantage can be realized by paying attention to the main activities and supply chain management support that add value to the company's products and services where the information system is best applied
Keywords: Competitive Advantages, Effectiveness, Supply Chain Management
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S.C. Lenny Koh and Mehmet Demirbag. 2007. The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Performance of SMEs. Ind. Manag. Data Syst. 107: 103–124.
Sarkis, Joseph, Qinghua Zhu K-HL. 2010. An Organizational Theoretic Review of Green Supply Chain Management Literature. 1-30 p.
Suhong Li, Bhanu Ragu-Nathan, T.S. Ragu-Nathan SSR. 2006. The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance. Int. J. Manag. Sci.: 107–124.
How to Cite
WINARNO, Slamet Heri; INDRIYANI, Novita; SURYADITHIA, Rachmat.
Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Dalam Mencapai Competitive Advantage Pada Supply Chain Management.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 133-148, dec. 2017.
ISSN 2527-9769.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.

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