Penerapan nilai-nilai pemasaran Islami dalam menarik konsumen di
This study aims to analyze the application of Islamic values in marketing strategies used to attract consumer interest at the online shop. is a business focused on selling hijabs and Muslim women's clothing, emphasizing Islamic principles such as product halalness, honesty, fairness, and trustworthiness in every business process. This research uses a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with customers and the owner. The findings show that the application of Islamic values in marketing such as providing honest product information, setting fair prices, and maintaining commitments to customers has increased consumer trust and loyalty. Additionally, the marketing strategy through social media, combined with special promotions during Ramadan, has proven effective in attracting consumer interest. Thus, the application of Islamic values not only serves as an ethical business guideline but also significantly contributes to enhancing competitiveness and commercial success.Keywords: Marketing strategy, Islamic values, Consumer purchasing interest, Online shop.
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Agus Aji S. 2013. Hubungan Perhatian Orang Tua Dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas Tinggi Sd Negeri Serang Kecamatan Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Progo Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Nuevos Sist. Comun. e Inf.: 7–33.
Ahmad N. 2018. Toward advancing debates on Islamic marketing: a renewed perspective. J. Islam. Mark. 9: 152–166.
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Blackwell RD, Miniard PW, Engel JF. 2001. Consumer behavior 9th. South-Western Thomas Learn. Mason, OH: 1–13.
Braun V, Clarke V. 2019. Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis. Qual. Res. Sport. Exerc. Heal. 11: 589–597.
Clarke V, Braun V. 2017. Thematic analysis. J. Posit. Psychol. 12: 297–298.
Dave C. 2015. Digital Business and E-Commerce management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice.
Handayanto RT, Hirunpongchai A, Teng B, Saengmanee K, Khangkhun N. 2015. Suitability Analysis for Rice Production in Sakon Nakhon Province. JREC (Journal Electr. Electron. 2: 21–33.
Hanzaee KH, Ramezani MR. 2011. Intention to halal products in the world markets. Interdiscip. J. Res. Bus. 1: 1–7.
Hassan A, Chachi A, Abdul Latiff S. 2008. Islamic marketing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction in the Islamic banking industry. J. King Abdulaziz Univ. Islam. Econ. 21.
Kahle LR, Valette-Florence P. 2014. Marketplace lifestyles in an age of social media: Theory and methods. Routledge.
Kotler P, Keller KL, Brady M, Goodman M, Hansen T. 2016. Marketing Management 3rd edn PDF eBook. Pearson Higher Ed.
Laczniak G, Murphy P. 2018. The role of normative marketing ethics. J. Bus. Res. 95.
Laudon KC. 2008. E-commerce: Business, technology. Pearson India.
Mamun MA Al, Strong CA, Azad MAK. 2021. Islamic marketing: A literature review and research agenda. Int. J. Consum. Stud. 45: 964–984.
Pradana M. 2015. Klasifikasi bisnis e-commerce di Indonesia. Modus 27: 163–174.
Rangkuti F. 1998. Analisis SWOT teknik membedah kasus bisnis. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Schiffman LG, Wisenblit JL. 2018. Consumer Behavior, Global Edition. Pearson Education.
Shahid S, Parray MA, Thomas G, Farooqi R, Islam JU. 2023. Determinants of Muslim consumers’ halal cosmetics repurchase intention: an emerging market’s perspective. J. Islam. Mark. 14: 826–850.
Smit B, Onwuegbuzie AJ. 2018. Observations in qualitative onquiry: When what you see is not what you see. Int. J. Qual. Methods 17: 1–3.
Soegoto ES, Pratama A. 2018. Making online shop based on web as a business opportunity. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 407: 1–4.
Sudrajad AI, Tricahyono D, Al-Amin, Zuwardi, Yulianti EB, Irnayenti, Ahmad, Rosmawati W. 2023. The role of digitalization performance on digital business strategy in Indonesia MSEMs. Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev. 8: e02260.
Syafril S, Hadziq MF. 2021. Islamic principles in marketing: An overview of Islamic Marketing mix in social-media campaign. El-Qish J. Islam. Econ. 1: 69–82.
Tournois L, Aoun I. 2012. From traditional to Islamic marketing strategies. Educ. Bus. Soc. Contemp. Middle East. Issues 5: 134–140.
Trischler MFG, Li-Ying J. 2023. Digital business model innovation: Toward construct clarity and future research directions. Rev. Manag. Sci. 17: 3–32.
Usvita M, Desda MM, Saununu SJ, Indrawan MG, Herlina H, Raymond R, Seseli EMI, Lubis LN, Masliardi A, Wulan ER. 2023. Manajemen Pemasaran E-Commerce. CV. Gita Lentera.
Varadarajan PR, Jayachandran S. 1999. Marketing strategy: An assessment of the state of the field and outlook. J. Acad. Mark. Sci. 27: 120–143.
Wanof MI, Gani A. 2023. MSME marketing trends in the 4.0 Era: Evidence from Indonesia. Apollo J. Tour. Bus. 1: 36–41.
Wilson JAJ, Liu J. 2010. Shaping the Halal into a brand? J. Islam. Mark. 1: 107–123.
Yin RK. 1994. Case study research: Design and methods. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications.
How to Cite
MUKARROMAH, Vika Sayyidatul; FALETEHAN, Aun Falestien.
Penerapan nilai-nilai pemasaran Islami dalam menarik konsumen di
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 28-41, dec. 2024.
ISSN 2527-9769.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.

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