Otomasi Perkantoran Menggunakan Aplikasi Google
Abstrak: Aplikasi Google (Google Apps) telah digunakan secara luas oleh berbagai pihak, terutama perusahaan yang menerapkan otomasi perkantoran. Google Apps yang terdiri dari Google Email, Google Calendar, Google Form dan Google Form dapat digunakan untuk penerapan otomasi perkantoran, khususnya perasipan dokumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada CV. Zida Burika yang merupakan perusahaan bidang Konsultan Teknik dan Spesialis Utilitas Farmasi. Untuk mengatasi penumpukan dokumen yang harus diarsipkan, jadwal pengarsipan dibuat dengan Google Calendar. Selain itu Google Form dan Google Form digunakan untuk unggah dokumen dan menyimpan dokumen. Dengan penerapan otomasi perkantoran ini, CV. Zida Burika telah terbantu dalam proses pengarsipan yang dilakukan secara elektronik.Kata Kunci: Google Apps, Otomasi Perkantoran, Pengarsipan Elektronik.
Abstract: Google Apps have been used worldwide, especially in organizations to implement office automation. The Google apps consist of Google Email, Google Calendar, Google Form, and Google Form. The subject of this study is CV. Zida Burika is a firm that is working in the field of Engineering Consultant and Pharmaceutical Utility Specialist. The firm has many documents that have not been archived, and this leads to document stacking. This issue will cause difficulty to refind the paperwork, and it possibly damages. To overcome the accumulation of documents that must be archived, an archiving schedule was created with Google Calendar. In addition, Google Forms and Google Forms are used to upload documents and save documents. With the implementation of this office automation, CV. Zida Burika has been assisted in the electronic filing process.
Keywords: Google Apps, Office Automation, Electronic Archiving.
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Hartenthaler H. 2009. Merging virtual and real worlds - Holistic concepts for the office of the future. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. (including Subser. Lect. Notes Artif. Intell. Lect. Notes Bioinformatics) 5624 LNCS: 49–55.
Hartenthaler H. 2010. The Future Workplace. Merging Virtual and Real Worlds – Holistic Concepts for the Office of the Future. Berlin.
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Mawaddah D, Fatmaningtyas ID. 2021. Perancangan Aplikasi Audio Sederhana Dengan Android Studio. J. Mhs. Bina Insa. 5.
Nurbaiti, Y., & Napitupulu, R. H. M. (2020). Pengadministrasian Job Description Karyawan Menggunakan Aplikasi HCIS (Human Capital Information System) Di PERUM PERUMNAS. JURNAL MAHASISWA BINA INSANI, 5(1), 73-85.
Miller M. 2011. Using Book Google apps. Kughen R, editor. Indiana: Que.
Nopriyan D. 2019. Implementasi Administrasi Ketatausahaan di Madrasah Aliyah Mathlaul Anwar Kedondong Pesawaran.
Putranto WA, Nareswari A, Karomah. 2018. Pengelolaan Arsip Elektronik Dalam Proses Administrasi : Electronic Records Management in Administrative Process : 13: 77–90.
Wang Y. 2019. Design and Implementation of Electronic Archives Information Management Under Cloud Computing Platform. In: 2019 11th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA). IEEE, p 154–158.
How to Cite
Otomasi Perkantoran Menggunakan Aplikasi Google.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 163-172, dec. 2021.
ISSN 2527-9769.
Available at: <https://87383.shichuantrade-tw.tech/index.php/JAK/article/view/1636>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.
doi: https://doi.org/10.51211/jak.v9i2.1636.

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