Animo Nasabah Bank Di Indonesia Dalam Memiliki Kartu Berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional


  • Novita Novita Manajemen; Universitas Bunda Mulia
  • Stefany Ayu Krisna Putri Manajemen; Universitas Bunda Mulia


Abstrak: Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) nomor 19/8/PBI/2017 tentang Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (National Payment Gateway). Bank Indonesia melakukan penataan infrastruktur, instrumen kelembagaan dan mekanisme sistem pembayaran untuk menciptakan ekosistem pembayaran nasional. Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (National Payment Gateway) adalah sistem yang terdiri atas standar, switching dan services yang dibangun melalui seperangkat aturan dan mekanisme untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai instrumen dan kanal pembayaran secara nasional. Per 1 September 2018, telah terdapat 98 bank umum di Indonesia yang telah menyediakan kartu berlogo GPN. Hanya 3 bank yang belum terkoneksi dengan GPN yaitu ICBC, Bank of China, Citibank dan ANZ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi niat nasabah untuk memiliki kartu berlogo GPN, dipengaruhi oleh perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, dan sikap. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah 98 bank umum yang tergabung dalam Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional.
Kata kunci: Niat berperilaku, Persepsi kemudahan, Persepsi manfaat, Sikap.
Abstract: Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) number 19/8/PBI/2017 concerning National Payment Gateway. Bank Indonesia conducts structuring of infrastructure, institutional instruments and payment system mechanisms to create a national payment ecosystem. National Payment Gateway is a system consisting of standards, switching and services built through a set of rules and mechanisms (arrangement) to integrate various payment instruments and channels nationally. As of September 1, 2018, there have been 98 commercial banks in Indonesia that have provided GPN logo cards. Only 3 banks have not been connected to the GPN, namely ICBC, Bank of China, Citibank and ANZ. This study aims to predict the customer's intention to have a GPN logo card, influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude. Respondents in this study were customers of 98 commercial banks incorporated in the National Payment Gate.
Keywords: Behavioral intention, Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness , Attitude.


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How to Cite
NOVITA, Novita; KRISNA PUTRI, Stefany Ayu. Animo Nasabah Bank Di Indonesia Dalam Memiliki Kartu Berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional. JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 109-122, dec. 2019. ISSN 2527-9769. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.