Manajemen Pergudangan PT Preformed Line Product Indonesia
Prosedur pergudangan adalah kegiatan yang menyimpan produk proses pada titik sumber dan titik konsumsi tetapi prosedur penerimaan penyimpanan dan pengeluaran tidak hanya mencatat barang yang akan keluar dan masuk, salah satunya adalah manajemen pergudangan di PT Preformed Line Product Indonesia di dalamnya ada proses packing, proses loading dan yang terutama adalah proses pengirimanya. Ada beberapa dokumen-dokumen yang terdapat dalam proses pengiriman. Semua proses sudah dilalui dengan baik maka ada yang dinamakan laporan atau preforma delivery yang harus di nilai ketepatnya, supaya customer puas dengan perfoma delivery yang di berikan PT Preformed Line Product Indonesia. Dalam perfoma delivery ada dua yang menjadi aspek penilaian yaitu On Time Delivery dan Delay dalam laporan kinerja tersebutKata kunci: Proses Delivery, Preforma Delivery, On Time Delivery
Warehousing procedure is an activity that stores process products at the source and consumption points, but the procedure for receiving storage and expenditure does not only record the goods that will go out and enter. which is primarily the sending process. There are several documents that are in the process of sending. All processes have been passed well so there is what is called a report or preforma delivery that must be assessed precisely, so that the customer is satisfied with the performance of the delivery given by PT Preformed Line Product Indonesia. In performance delivery, there are two aspects of evaluation, namely On Time Delivery and Delay in the performance report
Keywords: Delivery Process, Preform Delivery, On Time Delivery
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How to Cite
HAPSARI, Dyah Septi Eryana; SUBAWA, Subawa.
Manajemen Pergudangan PT Preformed Line Product Indonesia.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 99-108, aug. 2019.
ISSN 2527-9769.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.

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