Metode Structural Equation Modelling Dalam Knowledge Management Terhadap Proses Organisasi
Abstrak: Makalah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji bagaimana penerapan Knowledge Management berbasis teknologi Informasi dapat menimbulkan dampak bagi organisasi dan pengguna sistem organisasi. Dengan memanfaatkan metode tentang persamaan berganda yang dikembangkan dari prinsip ekonometri dan digabungkan dengan prinsip pengaturan dari psikologi dan sosiologi pengetahuan, studi ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui dampak dari kinerja sistem Knowledge Management terhadap kegiatan usaha organisasi. Pengukuran keterkaitan, kualitas dan ketersediaan sistem menjadi dasar bagi pengukuran sistem Knowledge Management dan hasilnya diperoleh bahwa kinerja Sistem Knowledge Management ternyata mampu memberikan dampak positif pada kinerja sistem organisasi.Kata kunci: Knowledge Management, Teknologi Informasi, Organisasi.
Abstract: This research aims at testing how the application of information technology-based Knowledge Management can impact on organizations and users of the organization system. By utilizing Structural Equation Modeling methods of multiple equations developed from econometric principles combined with the regulatory principles of psychology and the sociology of knowledge, this study is expected to determine the impact of the performance of Knowledge Management system on the organization's business activities. Measurements on the relevancy, quality and availability of the system were used as the basis for measuring the Knowledge Management system and the results show that the performance of Knowledge Management System was able to give a positive impact on the performance of the organization system.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Information Technology, Organization.
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How to Cite
Metode Structural Equation Modelling Dalam Knowledge Management Terhadap Proses Organisasi.
BINA INSANI ICT JOURNAL, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 31 - 40, june 2018.
ISSN 2527-9777.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.

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