@article{ITBI, author = {Saludin Saludin and Didik Setiyadi}, title = { Analisis Kegagalan Lapisan Index Matching (Nb2O5) Mempengaruhi Fungsi Touch Screen}, journal = {INFORMATICS FOR EDUCATORS AND PROFESSIONAL : Journal of Informatics}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, year = {2019}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstrak: Lapisan IIM (index matching) pada modul touch screen adalah untuk mengoptimalkan transmisi cahaya dari sub modul LCD sehingga layar terlihat lebih terang dan jernih sebagai alat interface dari peralatan input ke perangkat utama. Akan tetapi lapisan IIM yang semula tidak bersifat konduktif, bila proses pelapisan kurang sempurna (misal ketika coating bahan Nb2O5) dapat memiliki daya hantar terbatas dengan bantuan efek pencahayaan sinar matahari. Efek ini menciptakan kapasitansi semu yang mempengaruhi fungsi modul touch screen, dengan kata lain tidak bekerja sebagaimana mestinya ketika berinteraksi dengan perangkat utamanya (misal komputer, mobile phone, dan lain-lain). Kata kunci: Index Matching, Touch Screen, Interface, Input Abstract: The IIM (index matching) layer on the touch screen module is to optimize the light transmission of the LCD sub module so that the screen looks brighter and clearer as an interface device from the input device to the main device. However, the original IIM layer is not conductive, if the coating process is less than perfect (for example when coating Nb2O5 material) can have a limited conductivity with the help of the effects of sunlight. This effect creates apparent capacitance that affects the function of the touch screen module, in other words it does not work as it should when interacting with its main device (eg computer, mobile phone, etc.). Keywords: Index Matching, Touch Screen, Interface, Input}, issn = {2548-3412}, pages = {73--84}, url = {https://87383.shichuantrade-tw.tech/index.php/ITBI/article/view/1237} }