Wireless Intrusion Detection System Pada STMIK Bina Insani
Abstrak: Jaringan wireless yang berada pada frekuensi terbuka seringkali dimanfaatkan oleh attacker sebagai jalur masuk untuk menyusup ke jaringan infrastruktur utama (production network) pada suatu instansi. Oleh karena itu keamanan jaringan wireless menjadi sangat penting agar tidak berakibat terganggunya suatu kegiatan tertentu. Maka diperlukan suatu sistem keamanan yang mampu mendeteksi serangan-serangan yang tertuju pada jaringan wireless. Implementasi Wireless Intrusion Detection System menggunakan metode NDLC menjadi salah satu solusi untuk keamanan jaringan wireless. Hasil dari implementasi Wireless Intrusion Detection System setiap serangan yang terjadi pada jaringan wireless dapat terdeteksi oleh sistem IDS dan dapat memberikan pesan peringatan kepada administrator.Kata kunci: keamanan, wireless intrusion detection system, wids.py
Abstract: Wireless networks that are on an open frequency are often used by attackers as the entry point to infiltrate the main network infrastructure (production network) in an agency. Therefore, wireless network security becomes very important so as not to disrupt a particular activity. Then required a security system that is able to detect attacks directed at wireless networks. Implementation of Wireless Intrusion Detection System to be one solution for wireless network security. The results of the Wireless Intrusion Detection System implementation of any attacks that occur on wireless networks can be detected by the IDS system and can provide a warning message to the administrator.
Keywords: security, wireless intrusion detection system, wids.py
How to Cite
Wireless Intrusion Detection System Pada STMIK Bina Insani.
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FOR EDUCATORS AND PROFESSIONALS : Journal of Information Management, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 199-208, june 2018.
ISSN 2548-3331.
Available at: <https://87383.shichuantrade-tw.tech/index.php/IMBI/article/view/950>. Date accessed: 27 feb. 2025.